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 Welcome to my website  !

I am Ferran Requejo,  professor of Political Science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona). With this website I would like to tell you my academic activities and my hobbies and opinions (section Blog).


Entrevista a Ferran Requejo Noticias de Navarra (28.06.2024)
El modelo de financiación autonómico está más caducado que el CGPJ
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Entrevista a Ferran Requejo al Diari Gara (20.08.2023)
«La negociación de la investidura podría dar pie a una nueva Transición»
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Entrevista a Ferran Requejo al VilaWeb (13.08.2023)
“No es pot donar suport a la investidura només amb l’amnistia”
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Entrevista a Ferran Requejo al diari ARA (2.10.2022)
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VIDEO: entrevista a Ferran Requejo al diari ARA (2.10.2022)
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Vídeo: entrevista a Ferran Requejo diari ARA (2.10.2022)
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Entrevista a Més 324: El tren de les 17:14. Democràcia, pluralisme, benestar i independència
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Book Chapters - News
Political legitimacy and secessions in European Plurinational Democracies. The Catalan Case" in S. Lütgenau (ed), Secession in EU Member States. Trends, Strategies, Political and Legal Framework, Foster Europe International Studies Series, Studienverlag Innsbruck, Austria, vol 4, 2019 (forthcoming)
"Democracy and borders. External and Internal Secession in the European Union" in J.Jordana-M.Keating-A.Marx-J.Wouters (eds), Changing Borders in Europe, Routledge, 2020 (with Klaus-Jürgen Nagel)
Blog - Featured
Per què ens deixem enganyar tan fàcilment? (30.12.2022)

Parlaments deslegitimats, estat de dret degradat


At UPF I am director of the Research Group on Political Theory (GRTP). I was also director of the Research Group of Political Science (until 2013), the Master degree on Current Democracies: Federalism, Nationalism and Multiculturality (2009-2012) and the Master degree on Political Philosophy (2010-2012);  I have been in charge of the PhD-programme on Political and Social Sciences (several editions).

I have been also member of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR, 1997-2003), member of the Comparative Federalism Research Group (International Political Science Association), as well as of the Spanish Electoral Board (Junta Electoral Central, 2004-2008).

In 1997 I was awarded the Rudolf Wildenmann Prize (ECPR), in 2002 I received the Ramon Trias Fargas Prize, in 2006 the AECPA Prize (Spanish Political Science Association) for the best book: Multinational Federalism and Value Pluralism, Routledge 2005, and in 1987 I received the Special Award of the Nicolas Perez Serrano Prize to the best PhD work (CEPC).

I am also political analyst in the newspapers La Vanguardia and ARA (Barcelona), and in other Catalan and international media, as well as member of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Philosophy and Social Sciences section). I am currently the director of the Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern (IEA) in Barcelona since October 2018.

Academic Degrees:
PhD and Graduate on Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona, 1986 and 1975
Graduate in Contemporary History, Universitat de Barcelona, 1978
Nuclear Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1979 (no final project)
Main Research Areas:
Theories of Democracy
Federalism in Multinational Democracies
Political Liberalism and Socialdemocracy
Political Theory and Philosophy


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